About Us

Having been a dog trainer for many years, I've had numerous clients complain about leash burn and hand fatigue while walking and training their dogs.

I decided to design, and patent a new type of dog leash that gives the support needed for handling any dog, but is comfortable and lightweight in your hand, making your walking, running or training experience more enjoyable.

Through word of mouth, and the help of my daughter, we are happy to introduce you to Luv My Leash.

With tubular nylon webbing for strength, cotton fill for comfort and weighing only 7oz., you'll understand why, when people are asked how they like their leash, their response is,
"I Love My Leash."


Luv My Leash is about giving pet owners a quality leash they can depend on, while also looking out for the animals we care so much about. We care about owners and dogs. As such, our products are sold at a discounted rate to rescue facilities. Rescues help our furry favorites, so we want to help them in return. If you are a rescue facility, please contact our team for more information about our discounted rates.



Marc Stevenson, owner: (615)578-1519

6949 Charlotte Pike, Suite 202

Nashville, Tennessee 37209


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